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Offering a wide range of Welding Machines, Special Purpose Machines, Induction Furnace And Equipments, Epoxy Mouldings, Hydraulic Power Pack, APG Machines, etc..

About Us

Started in the year 1993, PSR Pvt. Ltd., an ISO 9001:2008 certified firm is leaded by a team of four highly qualified and experienced engineers. The firm is a manufacturer and exporter of Special Purpose Machines, Induction Furnace And Equipments, Epoxy Mouldings, C/T And P/T, Welding Automations, Hydraulic Power Pack, APG Machines and more. Initially, the organization was engaged in manufacturing Transformers and slowly expanded to a group with four companies offering a variety of products. This group includes companies namely Power Foils, Magnafab International and Instrument Trafogears Private Limited. Our today's success is all because of the sincere efforts of our experienced and hardworking team of professionals. Their skills have helped us come up with advanced Special Purpose Machines that are highly appreciated for their low maintenance, easy installation, reliable performance and longer service life.

Having our markets worldwide, we make sure that demands of both domestic and international clients are kept in mind during the production process. Moreover, the complete support of CAD & CAM have helped us contribute to the market multifarious, high end and innovative products. With engineers at our end working round the clock, we have become capable of undertaking any challenging assignment and ensure its efficient completion.

Why Us?

  • Doorstep delivery
  • High quality products
  • Excellent financial status
  • Customer-focused approach

Hydraulic Cylinder
Hydraulic Cylinder
Water cooled power cable
Water cooled power cable
Yoke Lamination
Yoke Lamination
Change Over Switch
Change Over Switch
Induction Coil
Induction Coil
Coil Cradle Assembly
Coil Cradle Assembly
Packaged Substation
Packaged Substation
Oil Cooled PT
Oil Cooled PT
Resin Cust CT
Resin Cust CT
Oil Cooled CT
Oil Cooled CT
Resin Cust PT
Resin Cust PT